製造メーカー : The Mark Flather planer Co.
製造国・地域 : アメリカ・ニューハンプシャー州 Nashua
製造時期 : 20世紀中頃
寸法 :(間口×奥行×高さ)1650×1150×1450mm
仕様 : テーブル(長さ×奥行)360×380mm
駆動方式 : 電動機直結
展示エリア : E-4
This planer was made at the time when the development of what we consider standard lathes was almost complete. An electric motor was directly connected to this machine from the beginning of its manufacture. It has many modern functions, such as a quick return mechanism, an automatic feed device, and a variable tool post angle.
Manufacturer: The Mark Flather Planer Co.
Country and region of manufacture: Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Manufactured: Middle of the 20th century
Dimensions (width at front x depth x height): 1650 x 1150 x 1450 mm
Specifications: Table (length x depth) 360 x 380 mm
Drive: Direct connection to an electric motor