■Sankyo Seisakusho's view of Corporate Social Responsibility (Our CSR activities)
We use cam technology in the products we provide all around the world. At the same time, we focus on lowering the burden on the global environment, and contributing to sustainable development. We emphasize a balance between meeting human needs and the requirements of the natural environment.
Therefore, while we manufacture excellent products, we do so only after taking account of human safety and a healthy environment. We see the harmony of individuals, society, and the global environment as the target we need to hit if the human race is to have a meaningful and sustainable future.
■Our environmental preservation policies
Behavioral guidelines
- 1) We operate our system for protecting the environment in tip-top order, and continuously improve our standards for reducing our environmental burden.
- 2) We comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and all other requirements we have agreed to, because preserving the environment has such a high priority.
- 3) To the extent possible, we provide energy saving and high value-added products to meet our customers' requirements.
■Our quality management system
Our company constructs and operates an environmental management system that is based on the ISO 14001 international standard.
In February 2004, Sankyo Seisakusho Shizuoka Co. obtained ISO14001 certification for its design, development, manufacture, and related services (modifications, repairs, overhauls, maintenance, and checks) of its cam devices, cam indexing machines, precision reducers, press feeders, equipment related to these, and other peripheral equipment.