
Ordinary Lathe (Center Lathe)


製造メーカー : 不明
製造国・地域 : 不明
製造時期 : 19世紀後期
寸法 :(間口×奥行×高さ)1400×690×1160mm
仕様 : 両センター間の最大距離 650mm、ベッド上の振り 240mm、
往復台上の振り 140mm
駆動方式 : ラインシャフト
展示エリア : A-15

This lathe illustrates the changes made in the process of developing a standard lathe during this era. The reciprocating table of this machine is old type. An important feature of this machine is a "cut-off" workpiece that enables the processing of large-diameter workpieces.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Country and region of manufacture: Unknown
Manufactured: The second half of the 19th century
Dimensions (width at front x depth x height): 1400 x 690 x 1160 mm
Specifications: Maximum distance between centers 650 mm.
Bed swing 240 mm
Swing of a workpiece on the reciprocating table is 140 mm
Drive: Via line shaft
